Saturday, July 11, 2009


French cinema is great, there are loads of cinemas available throughout the city of Paris and films are shown regularly every day. All the recent blockbusters released in France near the same dates as America/Britian/Ireland are shown in English with French subtitles. Look for the 'VO' label on all films - this means the film is shown in 'voix originale' or the original voice (typically English). If the label is 'VF' then the film has a French voice-over.

There are a few small differences between French and Western cinemas. Sometimes, when you purchase your tickets in France, you must join the queue for that movie - this queue is usually outside on the street as the foyers are typically quite small. Once inside, toilets are available directly off the cinema auditorium, there is no need to exit to the hall to find them. Occassionally, when the movie is finished, you must exit by a different door that will lead onto a side street rather than back through the entrance, this is to keep the main doors free from large crowds of people trying to leave at the same time.

If you go to see a 3D film, remember that you must return your 3D glasses when leaving afterwards, they are not disposable ones like those available in Dublin.

Finally don't forget to bring along your student card for that all important student discount! Enjoy.

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